Om Clean Air Games

In the years 1988 to 1994 the Clean Air Games was organized as a combined Environment Seminar and International Athletic Competition at Østmarkseteren Restaurant and Lambertseter Stadion in Oslo, Norway. Tuesday May 29th and Wednesday May 30th 2018 the events reoccurred, and both environmental issues and Athletics is more popular than ever! 

It was quite unique in the years 1988-94 with all the international stars both on the athletic track and on the environmental issue finding their way to Oslo in the spring for the Clean Air Games!

At that time young promising Norwegian athletes like Geir Moen, Steinar Hoen and Vebjørn Rodal had the opportunity to meet world class athletes like Linford Christie, Colin Jackson, Jan Železný, Sally Gunnell OBE and many more! We met in a unique friendly atmosphere where the social aspect was equally important to the athletics. 

Among the best memories from the environment seminars we remember the Czechoslovak environmental activist, who had been punished for his international publications from the communist regime, when he met the Czechoslovak javelin world record holder, Jan Zelezny, at the Clean Air Games Seminar. We also remember visits from World Watch Institute, and Erik Bye singing his famous songs.

Om friidrett

Friidrett er jo en fascinerende idrett, hvor man kan konkurrere mot alle andre som har deltatt i samme stevne opp gjennom historien. Onsdag 30. mai 2018 ble det satt to norgesrekorder på Lambertseter. Først var det stavhopper Lene Retzius som perset med  4.50 m. Deretter tro sleggekasteren Eivind Henriksen til med nok en norgesrekord, med 76,66 m i slegge. Henriksen representerer Tjalve, men familien kommer fra Lambertseter. 

Clean Air Games er et stort  arrangement for en klubb som Lambertseter IF. Alle i friidrettsgruppen bidrar, raker sandgrupe, står i kiosken, har de internasjonale deltagerne innkvartert. Å se topputøvere på vår egen bane motiverer til videre satsing for klubbens lovende utøvere.

Den store fremgangen for norsk friidrett fortsatte utover i 2018 og vi gleder oss til Clean Air Games på Lambertseter tirsdag 4. juni.